CHDO exist as an advocate for children, to release them from , economic, social and physical poverty and empowering them to become responsible and fulfilled citizen
Child Hope Development Organization (CHDO) is an independent,non profit organization,non-religious,non partisan and it was initiated and established in year 2013 ,it was finally registered in 2014 in Dar es salaam Tanzania. Child Hope Development Organization aims at improving the quality of life of high vulnarable children and women at the grass root level .
The project operates in rural area of Kilimanjaro and Serengeti.These are tourism regions in Tanzania .Economically the residents are very poor and are peasants using hand hoes for production yields for food and economy.The education level of the residents is low as some of them attained only primary school.We choose Serengeti and Kilimanjaro as our ideal sites for our Program because it is the intersection of poverty and opportunities.
CHDO has since implemented programmes to address these ills, it has learnt that long-term sustainable and impact on these children’s lives is best cultivated from their communities. After year of reflection, CHF’s direction has shifted with greater emphasis on empowering vulnerable children in their communities
The project operates in rural area of Kilimanjaro and Serengeti.These are tourism regions in Tanzania .Economically the residents are very poor and are peasants using hand hoes for production yields for food and economy.The education level of the residents is low as some of them attained only primary school.We choose Serengeti and Kilimanjaro as our ideal sites for our Program because it is the intersection of poverty and opportunities.
CHDO has since implemented programmes to address these ills, it has learnt that long-term sustainable and impact on these children’s lives is best cultivated from their communities. After year of reflection, CHDO’s direction has shifted with greater emphasis on empowering vulnerable children in their communities
We improve the lives of children through education,enables them to realize their potentials and nartures them into responsible citizen.
is to reduce the impact of HIV and AIDS, high illiteracy levels, unemployment and social injustice among the most at risk population. We primarily support most vulnerable children through basic education and healthcare by providing critical services like counseling, mentorship, community training’s scholastic materials (Text books, pens, exercise books, pencils, bags, uniforms, shoes, school levies, lamp to study at night etc.) We also link the needy children and caregivers with other organizations and government institutions for essential services
We formed a women group known as “AMANI WOMEN GROUP’’ to start small activities and try to help children and the communities in participate way. Since these women being mother of some of students ,it obvious that working together could be constructive for communities .
Through women group we are stimulating job creation and economic growth by providing micro and small entrepreneurship with advice,Mentorship and entrepreneurship training.(vegetable vendor,local Poutry Project, selling used clothes,Making charcoal i.e Charcoal is made by burning a piece of wood until all the impurities are gone and only the coal remains) a.Currently we have 100 women in both project one in Kilimanjaroand another one in Serengeti.
This project helps the woman to identify,prioritize and implement projects that would create a wider impact hence benefiting not only the sponsored child but also their families.The Project helps the community pulls resources together to enable them adress their challenges in sustanable way.The project also conduct trainings targeting gate keepers as well as advocacy for issues that affect the women in the community.
This project helps the community identify,prioritize and implement projects that would create a wider impact hence benefiting not only the sponsored child but also their family.This project helps the community pull resources together to enable them to adress their challenges in sustainable way.
This project targets vulnerable groups in the community .All our targets beneficiaries come from the poor of the poor in the community,such families lack basics necessities and may only have one meal in a day.
To get value of Money and achieve a wider impact,we shall create linkages with the goverment and likeminded organizationj and conduct referrals for services that would benefits our group targets.The project shall conduct trainings targetings gate keepers as well as advocacy for issues affect the most vulnerable group in the community.
We are driven to work in a manner characterized by core values namely accountabilty,integrity,excellence,dignity and creativity
Child Hope Development Organization focuses on children because they are great value and to help them is a strategic because they will become agents of change for their communities
We believe that providing students with access to high quality education and holistic support is vital to alleviating suffering, increasing gender equality and promoting economic sustainability.
By meeting the needs of the whole child, our programs give students the tools they need to build their best lives and positively impact their families, communities and country.
By meeting the needs of the whole child, our programs give students the tools they need to build their best lives and positively impact their families, communities and country.