Tanzania faces an acute shortage of health care workers and has some of the lowest coverage rates of health personnel in the world. Limited training, poor working conditions and low pay all contribute to this severe problem.
On top of this, with widespread poverty, it is no wonder that Tanzania health standards have fallen behind almost all other developing countries.
The provision of health care, particularly in the more rural areas, was adversely affected after the economic recession in the 1980s, which resulted in an overall deterioration of health care services.
Recent research has concluded that only 54% of the population have access to improved drinking water and only 24% have access to proper sanitation facilities. As such, many people are dying from preventable and curable diseases and illnesses such as malaria, pneumonia, diarrhoea and malnutrition.
There are also many other substantial health challenges such as persistently high child and maternal mortality, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Shockingly high numbers of women die every year (3 times the global average) due to preventable complications during or resulting from pregnancy and birth.
Further related to this, more than 7 million children die every year also due to highly preventable causes including diarrhoea, malaria, neonatal infection, pneumonia, pre-term delivery or lack of oxygen at birth.
In recent years there has been a number of important public health achievements, with the Tanzanian government introducing several provisions and the introduction of a mandatory health insurance. Although this has resulted in child mortality declining and health care services being more accessible, there is still a long way to go.
The Health Program deals with health-related challenges in the community. Our goal is to improve health, change the perception of health, and increase access to medical facilities. For this purpose, we have various projects that enable us to:
By meeting the needs of the whole child, our programs give students the tools they need to build their best lives and positively impact their families, communities and country.